Village District – Board of Commissioners

Public Session
March 16, 2015
(approved April 20, 2015)

Present: G. Keller, L. Woods, J. Comer, T. Pellegrino, Superintendent R. Miner and Water Quality Support/Administrative Manager J. Lavoie
Financial Review – February 2015

N. Couture noted that the District has a new payroll provider.  The old payroll provider could no longer handle the NH retirement system.

Non-Public session
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II(d) “…Acquisition, sale or lease of property”.  The motion passed 4-0-0 on a roll call vote.
After the Non-Public session
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  The motion passed 4-0-0.
1. Board of Commissioners to approve minutes from the February 23, 2015 Public, Non-Public and Public Hearing sessions.

A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by G. Keller to approve the minutes from the February 23, 2015 Public and Non-Public and Public hearing sessions with the following change to the public session minutes of February 23, 2015 on page 3 last sentence second paragraph.  This sentence should read: “This project is not required to go through the NH Site Evaluation Committee; this project has not been presented to the state at this time.”

The motion passed 3-0-1 with J. Comer abstaining.

2. Board of Commissioners to hear update from Underwood Engineers, Inc regarding the Treatment Plant project.

M. Metcalf, UEI, noted that the ground improvements have been done.  The site classification has been changed.  Work will begin on the site again on April 13, 2015 weather permitting.  M. Metcalf recommended that the District spend $16,000 for alternative 3A which is the addition of a second SCADA computer.  This second computer will provide redundancy, but is not absolutely critical.

A motion was made by J. Comer and seconded by G. Keller to approve the expenditure of $16,000 for additive alternative 3A.  The motion passed 4-0-0.

M. Metcalf noted that there have been some small change orders.  L. Woods noted that his understanding is that there will be monthly meetings on this project and that change orders would be approved by the Board.  R. Miner noted that there has been no suggested upper limit to change orders before they go to the Board.

3. Board of Commissioners to discuss Tennessee Gas Pipeline (NED Project).

R. Miner noted that the letters to FERC regarding the District’s opposition to the route of the proposed pipeline have been sent.  There will be an informational meeting on March 26, 2015 at the James Mastricola Upper Elementary School from 8-10 PM.

L. Woods noted there is an environmental report on this project.  It is cumbersome and lengthy.  The town has asked for hard copies.  He suggested that the Board run any questions by J. Emery.

4. Board of Commissioners to assign Warrant Articles for the Annual Meeting on March 31, 2015.

The motion makers and seconders were assigned to the warrant articles for the Annual Meeting.

5. Old Business

Voters’ Guide – Some confusion was expressed regarding the language used in the Public Hearing guide regarding the purpose of article 6.  L. Woods suggested that the language for the 3 separate Capital Reserve Funds be forwarded to the Commissioners.

6. New Business

There was no new business at this time.

7. Superintendent’s Report

Freeze ups – R. Miner noted there were 2 incidents of frozen pipes in the District, one at Ingham Rd and one on Profile Dr.  Both were resolved after much effort.  He noted this has been a particularly cold winter.

Salt letters – R. Miner noted that the Town has sent out violation letters to those observed using salt or de-icing agents who have a salt limitation or restriction on their site plan.  Atrium has responded and has stated that it will not use salt on its property again.

Mitchell Woods – This permitting continues to move forward.

Community Development – A change of use has been request for 736 Milford Road.  The new use will be for a gas station.

Bean RoadThe Baboosic Brook bridge will be replaced on Bean Road.  The water main placement will be being changed.

8. Questions from the Public

There were no questions from the public at this time.

9. Questions from the Press

There were no questions from the press at this time.

A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to recess at 6:00 PM.  The motion passed 4-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Carlton, Recording Secretary
Posted: May 20, 2015