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In order to ensure accuracy of meter readings & billings, MVD performs routine meter exchanges.
Service locations that are due for a meter exchange will receive a “Meter Exchange Notice” as pictured below. 

If you’ve received a Meter Exchange Notice and . . .

Have questions . . . ?
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section below for additional information.

Are ready to schedule . . . ?
Click here to request an appointment!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why does the water meter need to be exchanged?
A: Like any mechanical device, water meters are susceptible to wear and deterioration over time which causes the internal mechanics of the meter to slow down. In turn, the slow down causes water usage to be registered inaccurately; typically, lower than what is actually used.  This results in unaccounted for or “lost” water. Lost water has a fiscal impact on MVD and its customers. Lost water is not billed and does not generate revenue; however, it still costs MVD to pump, treat, and distribute the water. The potential for revenue loss can be staggering if a large number of meters are under-registering. MVD’s water meter exchange program is intended to decrease lost water and thereby, reduce unnecessary costs. 

Q: Is there a fee for the water meter exchange?
A: There is *NO charge to customers for the water meter exchange.

Q: Will someone need to be home?
A: MVD requires someone age 18 or older to be at the location during the appointment.

Q: Why does someone need to be home?
A: Most water meters are located inside of the home or building (typically in the basement); MVD will need access to the meter and requires approximately 3 feet of clearance around the water meter.

Q: How long will the appointment take?
A: The meter exchange takes approximately a 1/2 hour.

Q: Will I have water during the appointment?
A: No, water will be temporarily shut-off during the water meter exchange.

Q: Can I opt-out of the exchange?
A: No, the water meter exchange is not optional.  

Q: Is there anything else I need to know?
A: Prior to the Field Staff’s arrival and during the appointment we ask that pets be kept in a secure area where they are not able to break-free; this is not only for the staff’s protection, but to ensure your pet feels safe and comfortable during our visit.

Still have questions…?
Contact us by phone at 603-424-9241 or email customerservice@mvdwater.org

*For meters above 1″: MVD will provide the meter for the replacement, however, it is the responsibility of property owner to have the meter replaced as MVD does not perform any plumbing and does not install or replace meters that are above 1″ in size. The property owner may replace the meter themselves or select a plumber/contractor of their choice at their own expense. MVD does not make any recommendations and does not have preferred plumbers/contractors. In order to ensure the meter is operating properly and able to be read remotely, MVD requires either to be onsite during the replacement or to perform an inspection after the replacement.